Albums, Songs, Podcasts,

Sound Production, Audio Engineer, Will Avery, Victoria Matthews, No Man's Sky, Kairos Quintet

Albums & Songs

I have had the pleasure of being the head recording engineer at my day job for the past 10+ years. It has given me the opportunity to work with many artists as well as enable me to record a bunch of my own material in a professional recording studio. Some of the projects that I have recorded have been smaller projects like jazz trios/quartets and small rock bands to larger projects where I was responsible for the full production, mixing, and recording of the album. 

Needless to say, I’ve enjoyed all the projects that have come my way and I love when an artist has a vision of where they want their music to go. There’s nothing like when that red light goes on and I know that magic is about to happen. 

Podcasts, podcast, podcasting, audiobook

Podcasts & Audiobooks

Since diving into the world of Podcasting, I have had the wonderful opportunity to help others out with editing their podcast audio and answering any questions that may arise. How do I get the best audio from my guest? With so many platforms out there like Zoom, Skype, Cleanfeed, Zencastr, Squadcast,, Streamyard, Ecamm… it’s no wonder how someone can get confused over which one to use. For my podcasting clientele, I make sure that they get all the help they need to deliver the best podcast they can so their audience focuses on what’s most important, the content. 

A more intensive dive into audio speech is the wonderful world of Audiobooks. I’m a member of ACX(distributor of audiobooks to Audible, Amazon, iTunes) and can help with the process of getting your audiobook recorded, edited, mastered, and up to all ACX Standards. Audiobooks are a great way to reach a wide audience with your story. I’ll make sure that your listener stays in the world you build around them by bringing them top quality audio. 

Some Of My Audio Engineering Work

Music Production

From the ground up